Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Race Season is Underway!

Hello my lovely followers! I know, I has been a while. But, good news is race season is underway! We have been busy this winter working with a owner to drive for, and things fell through. On a good note, they say when one door closes another opens. That happened for us and we are tacking onto my brother in laws race team. That means it is going to be a brother duo (and 3rd generation drivers) on the same team and on the track together.

We have been busy working bee's trying to get things ready to run with the USMTS Central Region. We are a couple races behind, but plan on heading to Missouri this weekend. Baby J will be taking his first road trip..lord help me! I think I will be dependent on the DVD player in the truck and puzzles. Let's just hope thing's run smoothly.

Also, I wanted to mention an opportunity for some of my fellow bloggers and companies. We have some spots available for sponsorship. Sponsoring the race team can entitle you to great advertisement. You can sponsor any dollar amount, and we will notify you on what it will go towards. Whether that be entry fees, tires, or replacement parts. Your name will be mentioned in the winner's circle, and for our high dollar donor's...your name will be featured on the race car to be seen all over the central region. We will even send you autographed photo's! Contact me with any questions or interest.

I am also working on a few product reviews that I am testing on Baby J so stay tuned for that!

Just remember that I love and miss yo' faces! :-)
